Income Protection

An Income Protection policy is designed to replace a proportion of your salary if you are unable to work as a result of an accident or sickness.

How we can help you

Very few of us have sufficient savings in place to support us if we are unable to work for an extended period of time, Income Protection policies can pay an amount until such times as you are able to return to work, you reach retirement or the end of the policy term.

By having something like this in place you will have the peace of mind of a regular on-going income to maintain your bills if you are ill, or have an accident which means you need to take time off work. Many employers will not support their staff financially if they require more than a year off work, when coupled with the low level of state benefits available there is a clear need to consider Income Protection.

There are a number of ways in which Income Protection can be set up which is why it is important to discuss your needs fully. At Stoneygate Mortgages we will look at getting the most appropriate cover for you in line with your budget.

Clare has arranged two mortgages for me now and I can’t speak highly enough of her. Her knowledge and expertise is second to none and will most definitely be recommending to family and friends

The process was made easy and worry free. Personal approach, clear information, great service

Clare was extremely helpful and made all the sections of the process very clear

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